Monday, 10 March 2014


It was 182.  Holy sh*t.  

I go back on Wednesday to check my HCG again.  They want to see it go up by a factor of 0.53 (they said it used to be that they wanted to see it double).

I thought I would be jumping up and down with excitement.  But we're (still) in shock here.  And scared sh*tless.

It's not far from my mind that we've been here twice, and one time with a number similar to this.    My head knows that that this has a significantly improved possibility to end so much better because of the (hoped for) improvement in embryo quality.  But my heart knows this is scary as hell.

Thank you so much for sharing your well wishes and excitement.  Your comments are so nice to read, and mean a lot to me.

Hang on, little embie.  Hang on.


  1. It's a great first number. I know it's always the second number that is needed to finally breath a little, but you're so close. I'm so very happy for you.

    1. Thank you Suzanne. Hoping for you to be next.

  2. fingers crossed for you and your little embie!!

  3. Ha! I know this is a big moment, but I can't help but chuckle... CCRM at it's finest. X0.53... Those guys don't mess around. Smart dudes after my own heart!

    It really is a fabulous first beta!!! So happy for you! Hoping your second beta far surpasses all the smarties' expectations!

    1. No kidding! I'd never heard of that either. I wonder if it's new, or they are being really picky?

    2. I know right? It makes me seriously wonder about all the OBs out there who are satisfied with doubling at or around 72 hours... are we just super special and require extra fast betas or does this apply to the entire population? So interesting... I'd love to sit down with those guys, but I believe the going rate for their insight is about $500 an hour... I guess I'll stay in the dark.

    3. Think it's about $300 for an in-country consult over the phone. Nothing comes cheap there at all, it's been very painful financially for us.

  4. I know it's early, but I have such a good feeling about this for you guys. So happy for you!

    1. Thank you. Thinking good thoughts about you often as you decide your next steps.

  5. Yay!! that's a great beta!
    I am so very hopeful for you and this little embryo.

  6. I just stumbled across your blog and exclaimed to my husband .. " Holy shit, listen to what these guys have been through.... " Then I read your latest post...!!!!Congratulations!!! I will be thinking super positive thoughts for the little one and you and your husband!! I can't even begin to imagine how shocking and scary a situation it must be... I will be following your blog and thinking of you, much love and support :) :) :)

  7. Wow, huge congratulations. I keep my fingers crossed for a good second beta and a healthy pregnancy all the way. This is what you have waited for so long. How exciting!!

  8. And she's off! go go go...
    Let in the goodness and grow-vibes. Just own it. Know that this is your time. Woo!

  9. Wonderful first beta. I'm pulling for an equally wonderful second one.
    And yes, this is scary as hell. There are no guarantees, but there is great cause for hope.

  10. I just came across your blog. I also have my second beta on Wednesday. Good luck and fingers crossed for a nice doubling number!

  11. Magpie's beta on this same day after transfer was 155 - you are well on your way!!!! (

  12. What a great number! Prayers for it to double!

  13. New follower here...that's a great first number! I can't wait for Wednesday's update!


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