Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Heartbeat there was a heartbeat!!!!!!!!


This is freaking nuts. Absolutely mind blowing. 

The doctor says she thinks I would be 10-12 weeks pregnant based on my hcg, uterus size and the baby's (what- did I just write baby!?!?) heart rate. 

Today, I was at a clinic. Long story short I'm away from home for a while and it's harder to get the medical care I'm used to. There was not ultrasound machine, so the doctor used a doppler.  

I got referred for an ultrasound tomorrow.



  1. Are you kidding me?!? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so gosh darn excited! I cannot wait for an ultrasound update (also, who the heck doesn't have an ultrasound? geez people. emergency:crazy, infertile, pregnant woman need ultrasound STAT)!

  2. NO WAY! You just flew right through the terrifying first trimester, going on your jolly menopausal way! What a miracle! I can't wait to hear about the ultrasound!

  3. This absolutely mind blowing! Can't wait for tomorrow. I also can't imagine how you're feeling right now :) Congrats!

  4. OK, so I will confess I have been checking your blog furtively all day for an update -- and I am SO HAPPY for you!

  5. Congratulations! How surreal...

  6. How wonderful! This is my dream, by the way. After three losses I'd love to realize I was pregnant and skipped the first trimester (never going to happen, though, since I obsessively start testing at 9 dpo). This month, I just KNEW I was pregnant and tested at 8 dpo. I was right (miracle!) but six days later I was finally four weeks pregnant and the idea of 36 more weeks (if I'm lucky) of worry is overwhelming!

    Praying for a great ultrasound for you! -Polly

  7. WOO! I cannot wait for your update. Anxiously awaiting your news...

  8. Mind blown. And doing a little happy jig for you. Amazing. Can't wait for the ultrasound update!

  9. I am aggressively hitting refresh on your blog and can't wait for the update. Eeeeee!

  10. On the edge of my seat for an update!


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