Monday, 11 August 2014

Adoption counselor: "There is a baby due in October".

We got this message over the weekend from our adoption agency.

They gave us a limited social and medical history (below).  They asked if we wanted to be presented to the birth parents this Wednesday?

Here's the scoop:

The birth mother is 20, and the birth father is around that age too.  They are both Caucasian.  There has been no illegal drugs or alcohol. She says she smokes 6 cigarettes per day.  She has been taking prenatal vitamins and been receiving medical care, including taking some prescription drugs in her early pregnancy for morning sickness and a UTI.  She had a depressive episode where she was hospitalized when she was 19, after breaking up with her boyfriend.   She called herself bipolar after that experience, although she is has not been medicated since then and has been doing well.  The social worker believes that this diagnosis was not made by a doctor, and that it could be inaccurate.

They don't want much openness, and are anxious to make an adoption plan for their child.  The birth mother's family are supportive of an adoption placement.  The birth father's mother is not, but both he and the birth mother are strong in their opinion that they don't want her to parent this child.

The social worker said the mother was pretty.  That he likes performance cars and trucks.  It's so weird what information you get, and what information you don't get.  At this stage, they just share with us, what they think are the basics.  If they choose us, we'll learn a lot more.

D was quickly onside with knowing he wanted to be presented.  Our social worker said that no drugs or alcohol exposure is rare.   My first thought was of my four little embabies, and how my period had just arrived.  I thought about carrying our baby.

I know those embabies will be there for us later.   This child is on his or her way in 2 months.

We decided to be presented.  We will know if we made the short list, were declined or were selected on Wednesday or Thursday.

There are so many emotions for me right now.

Life could change in a hurry.


  1. That's so great! What a big decision for you guys! I hope it goes well.

  2. This made my heart skip a beat. I'm not you but the fact that you have embies on ice would actually give me more "peace" in moving forward/knocking on the door of adoption. I have always been open to adoption (I just always thought it would be after I had my own pregnancies). We consider it too-by no means would we stop the efforts to keep fighting for our own pregnancy, but in the mean time, the empty arms and mommy heart would be satisfied. I think it's wise to be presented and see how you all feel after. WOW that's soon!! <3

  3. Oh my goodness... it's funny how quickly things can change, especially with adoption. It's zero to sixty in the blink of an eye! Hoping for some good news for you guys soon!

  4. So glad y'all are exploring all of your options!

    P.S. Feel free to be one of *those* mythical couples who get pregnant as soon as they adopt... ;-) -Polly

  5. Thanks, friends. It's still a long shot, but my excitement is growing. Omg- could this be it!?!?

  6. So scary, nerve-wracking and exciting all at once!! I love this change of direction! Hoping for good news this week for you. xoxo

  7. Wow...that seems so fast! I can't wait to read your next update! I really hope this works out for you.

  8. Wow! Okay. Enormous changes at the last minute...title of one of my favorite story collections, and a thread of life that keeps us awake-awake. The best of luck with all of this. Crazy! Wonderful.

  9. I got chills reading this. Thinking of you and praying that everything works out for the best!

  10. Apparently, I've been living under a rock. I knew I'd been bad about blogging and reading but how I missed this is beyond me! Your post today just showed up in my feed and I am going to back to catch up on every post! Whoa….this is crazy fast Julia!!!!


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