Monday, 1 April 2013

Words from my 2012 income tax

I got a print out from my clinics outlining the expenses we've paid for 2012.  The statements are very detailed and very helpful.  It's a lot easier for me to keep track of my expenses with one detailed report from each clinic.  I'm thankful for this.

The report also tells a story that makes me cringe.  It kind of sounds like a really creepy poem to me.   Not including all of the blood work and ultrasounds and some other things, it says:

Abortion, threatened
Abortion, missed
Missed abortion, surgical, first trimester
No insurance

Ovarian failure
Ovrian dysfunction
Follicle puncture
No insurance

Hormone imbalance
Abortion, threatened
No insurance

Abortion, missed
Pregnancy, unconfirmed
Ovarian dysfunction
Pregnancy unconfirmed
No insurance

Failed or canceled cycle
No insurance

PS) The grand total last year that we spent on medical expenses was about $43,000.  It feels like we spent a million.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, that's a lot of money. Makes for one creepy poem, that's for sure.


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